No predator is stupid enough…

“No predator is stupid enough to deliberately reduce his chances of survival and reproduction. Man is.” – Bruno Medicina


The two monks and the girl

Two monks were making a pilgrimage to venerate the relics of a great Saint. During the course of their journey, they came to a river where they met a beautiful young woman — an apparently worldly creature, dressed in expensive finery and with her hair done up in the latest fashion. She was afraid of the current and afraid of ruining her lovely clothing, so asked the brothers if they might carry her across the river.

The younger and more exacting of the brothers was offended at the very idea and turned away with an attitude of disgust. The older brother didn’t hesitate, and quickly picked the woman up on his shoulders, carried her across the river, and set her down on the other side. She thanked him and went on her way, and the brother waded back through the waters.

The monks resumed their walk, the older one in perfect equanimity and enjoying the beautiful countryside, while the younger one grew more and more brooding and distracted, so much so that he could keep his silence no longer and suddenly burst out, “Brother, we are taught to avoid contact with women, and there you were, not just touching a woman, but carrying her on your shoulders!”

The older monk looked at the younger with a loving, pitiful smile and said, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river; you are still carrying her.”

An outstanding speech by Uruguay’s president

“pobre no es el que tiene poco, sino verdaderamente pobre es el que necesita infinitamente mucho y desea y desea y desea más y más“
An outstanding speech by Uruguay’s president Mujica in Rio.

Mujica, 77, former guerilla who spent more that 14 years in prison, two at the bottom of a well, gives 90% of his salary to charity, refused to live in Presidential Palace and continues to stay at his little farm, guarded by a three legged dog.

Music is THE BEST

“Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music.
Music is THE BEST.” ― Frank Zappa


Life is trouble. Only death is not

“Life is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and *look* for trouble.” – Nikos Kazantzakis, from “Zorba the Greek”

Find the absolute rhythm

“As I watched the seagulls, I thought: That’s the road to take; find the absolute rhythm and follow it with absolute trust.” . Nikos Kazantzakis, from “Zorba the Greek”


Living with Wolves

Un unbelievable documentary about wolves.
Some moments of pure beauty, and a very difficult to resist call of the wild.

Also before you the wolf will appear…


“Şi-ţi va mai ieşi/ Lupul înainte,/ Ca să te spăimânte./ Să nu te spăimânţi,/ Frate bun să-l prinzi,/ Că lupul mai ştie/ Seama codrilor/ Şi-a potecilor./ Şi el te va scoate/ La drumul de plai,/ La-un fecior de crai,/ Să te ducă-n rai,/ C-acolo-i de trai;/ În dealul cu jocul,/ C-acolo ţi-e locul;/ ’n câmpul cu bujorul,/ C-acolo ţi-e doru”

(Also before you/ The wolf will appear/ To make you afraid./ But do not be afraid./ Receive him as your brother./ The wolf knows/ The order of the forests,/ The grain of the paths,/ He will lead you/ On the level road/ To a king’s son,/ To paradise/ Where life is good,/ The hill for playing:/ There is your place;/ The field of peonies:/ There is your heart.)
“Song for the dead”, Roumanian Anonymous folk poem