All you can be

How would our world be, if each of us used their talents and their ability to make a contribution?
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FLY – Find the Leader in You

Discover your personal charisma Get rid of internal obstacles
Direct people and resources toward a common purpose

Leadership means to create order from chaos. It means to take different resources, people, events that act independently and with different goals and to give them a commonvision and a common direction.
When all the components of a system move in the same direction and there are not blocks and strains, then there is the maximum of effectiveness. Read more

Fluxogenics, the key to peak performance

Have you ever found yourself so deeply involved into a really demanding activity that needed your full attention, in such a way that you didn’t realize the passing of time?

Or have you been so focused on an interesting task so there was no place in your mind for internal dialogue, criticism and usual doubts?
Did it ever happen to you to react accordingly and immediately to any challenge that the task presented to you? Read more