Phantom of the Opera

Actually, the idea of moving in a cave under the Paris Opera, and to stay there to play the organ is not to be discarded too fast…
If you’ll here some rumors about a new phantom, well, may be…:-D

Too funny… :-))))

Pure genius.. I’d like to give him some cents…:-)))))

Pure envy

Now I understand what envy is…
I’ve to find a way to do the same 🙂

You never know who are you fighting :-))

Too funny, my best congratulation to the chinese guy..
(I can’t stop laughing…:-)))))

Disturbing perfection

There is always something disturbing when you see real mastery, as you have to ask yourself “What could I really do if I used my potential?”

What does “to have a vision” mean

Wow! This really means “to have a vision”, “to create value”.

Homeless singer

Strange things happen when someone bypass your cerebral cortex…
Try to not cry….:-D

Most important days

“The two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why”
Mark Twain

“Too old” who?

Absolutely unbelievable! “Too old” who?
From now I’ve a new goddess… 🙂
Ah, don’t miss this:

Hell is empty

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
William Shakespeare, The Tempest